Recently, I have been pondering the expression “full tilt,” which means to run at high speed. Am I living full tilt? Is this a healthy way to live? Am I fully present when my mind is racing? Please join me in pondering the pace of life.
A Minute of Motivation
Quality vs. Speed
If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter how fast you get there. It’s more important to have a destination than to travel quickly.
Do you know where you’re going, or are you racing through each day of your life without having a purpose? Why race towards an unknown destination?
Far better to figure out where you’re going and work on getting there slowly, but surely. A journey of quality is better than one of speed. Travel too quickly through life and you’ll not only miss the beauty of the scenery zipping by, but you might also run off the road and crash!
Select your destination, point yourself in that direction, and travel steadily towards your goal. Go slowly enough to enjoy the journey, but not so slowly you stop moving. Remember, a quality life is better than a fast life.
Note. Originally published in 1992.
Enjoy Life More
Limit Red-Lining
I enjoy being a very productive person, living a “full tilt” life. My “to do” list is long and complex. My schedule is often intense and almost too full. The demands I invite into my world regularly push me into red-lining, when my “tachometer” indicates I am revving too fast. This signals me to take my foot off the gas and slow down. For those of you who understand the car metaphor you might have suggested I shift into a higher gear. Unfortunately, when I red-line, I am already in the highest gear. That’s just how I roll.
The stressors of life, combined with the phantoms in our minds, can push any of us into a crazy place of “racing too fast.” Our bodies and minds are designed to function at “high RPM;” this high internal speed provides quick reactions and fast thinking.
But our minds and bodies are not built to be stuck at “red-line” engine speeds. Prolonged “red-lining” can crack the mind and damage the body.
Are you “red-lining” today? Take your foot off the gas for at least 20 minutes, put on some relaxing music, and let your body and mind slow down. Shift from “full tilt” to “fully present.”
Faith Corner
“Jesus walked.” Mark 1:16
There is a lot of running in the Bible, but no record of Jesus running. People ran to Him for help. Disciples ran to the empty tomb. Pigs ran off a cliff.
But Jesus is only described as walking, never running. I point this out, not as a caution for those who enjoy running, but as an observation of a way of living. Jesus modeled a speed in which to live. That speed had two gears, walk or stop.
What is this teaching us? Life is not meant to be lived at high speed. When we’re moving too fast we can’t hear the soft voice of the Spirit. When we’re racing along, the beauty of creation is zipping past us.
Lord, sometimes I move too fast. My mind races and my body is pushed into places of stress. I see your example of walking. I sense your message to stop when I feel I need to rush. You are the Lord of time. Help me adjust the speed at which I live. Help me to stop when I feel like rushing. Help me to walk when and where You lead. Thank You for helping me to walk and rest, as needed. Amen.
Poetry Pause
He Knows
I’m sad;
He knows.
I’m scared;
He knows.
I’m hurting;
He knows.
I’m confused;
He knows.
My sorrow,
My pain –
Are no mystery to God.
My future,
My fears –
Are no mystery to God.
I can’t see past today;
I can’t see what lies ahead;
He knows.
I can’t figure things out;
I don’t know what to do;
He knows.
Where am I going?
He knows.
Where is He taking me?
He knows.
I am not alone;
I am not forgotten.
What do I need?
How do I get it?
He knows.
Lord, save me!
I know Who goes with me.
I know my Final Destination.
He knows
The details between
And my forever home.
He supplies
All I need
For the trip.
He knows.
By Cindy MacGregor, April 19, 2021.
Note. Sometimes I don’t know where I am going so I just run faster. This is a “slow down and trust” message I wrote for myself.
Old Mom to Young Mom
Never Too Busy
Why do grandchildren enjoy time with their grandparents so much? Besides the unconditional love and tendency to indulge, there is something else, something about the time they are together.
As a grandparent, I hope my grandchildren say of me that I was never too busy for them. When they wanted to tell me something that I was never too busy to listen. When they wanted to show me something that I was never too busy to watch. When they wanted to play that I was never too busy to play with them. When they wanted to read another book, that I was never too busy to invest a few more minutes with them.
Was I a “never too busy” parent? I don’t know. I remember being really busy and often exhausted. I suspect you, my parents of young children, have hectic and tiring lives.
But I urge you, as an old mom to a young mom (or dad), to not be too busy for the moments with your children that are truly important. Stop and listen to them. Stop and watch them. Stop and play with them. Linger and read another book.
Be a never too busy parent.
Dear Dr. Mac
There is always a lot going on in my mind, heart, and spirit. If you would like to share some of what is going on within you, please send an email to:; I will respond via email or in this section of a future newsletter, or both. I hope to hear from you!