Thanks for your reflections on the topic of being resolute. I personally resonate with your thoughts here. Lack of commitment and follow through have lessened the accomplishments and satisfaction of many a life.
I particularly appreciate your “Faith Corner” this week. It’s a clear and powerful message and reminder about Jesus’ resolution to complete His mission of rescuing us from eternal destruction. With His help, may we all be as resolute about following Him.
Dear Dr. Mac,
Thanks for your reflections on the topic of being resolute. I personally resonate with your thoughts here. Lack of commitment and follow through have lessened the accomplishments and satisfaction of many a life.
I particularly appreciate your “Faith Corner” this week. It’s a clear and powerful message and reminder about Jesus’ resolution to complete His mission of rescuing us from eternal destruction. With His help, may we all be as resolute about following Him.
Your steadfast friend,